
Ken Swift (Rock Steady Crew / USA)
You’d be walking down the street and you wouldn’t know what was happening, nobody on the outside world knew what was happening in that park, in that lil’ circle next to a lil’ sandpit, next to a monkey bars…
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Maurizio aka The Next One (Rock Steady Crew & Next Level / Italy)
If you tried to be like a gymnast or like an athletic or circus guy everybody was looking at you like you are a sucker, not a B-Boy…
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Popmaster Fabel (Rock Steady Crew / USA)
When I want to dance, I just turn the music on and start to dance, but when I have to dance when somebody else is telling me, it becomes a job…
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Paulo Nunes (010 BBoyz / The Netherlands)
Copying moves was something for which you could expect a beat down back in the days. Style is something which you have to find within yourself and not in others…
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